Your Hobart Doctor operates a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC).
Medicare UCCs are for use when there is urgency, but it’s not an emergency
Your Hobart Doctor’s Medicare UCC is open between 4pm and 10pm, 7 days per week.
Medicare UCCs are bulk-billed, meaning there is no cost to patients.
Appointments are not required. Patients can walk in and wait to be seen.
Urgent care is when you need medical attention for an illness or injury that can be managed without a trip to the emergency department but cannot wait for a regular appointment with a GP.
Medicare UCCs provide assessment, treatment, and care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions. This may include:
If in doubt, call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 or visit the Healthdirect website
If you have a Medicare card or number, bring this with you when you attend a Medicare UCC.
You can also bring any letters or correspondence from your GP and details of any medicines you are currently taking (including those without a prescription).
If you are attending a Medicare UCC for your child to receive medical attention, bring your child’s personal health record (Blue Book).
Emergency or life-threatening care requires immediate medical attention and management by an emergency department or hospital. Medicare UCCs do not provide emergency care.
Call triple zero or go to your nearest ED if you or a loved one has a life-threatening injury or illness.
Read more about urgent care and care options, go to the links below:
Medicare Urgent Care Clinics | Tasmanian Department of Health
Know your treatment options - Right Care Right Place | Tasmanian Department of Health